By Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani, with Shawn Randall (channeling Torah)

Update, Sept. 14, 2007:
O.J. Simpson might be charged with armed robbery that took place in a Las Vegas Casino/Hotel last night. He was attempting to retrieve what he claimed was his own sports memoriabilia. We'll see how the police handle this one. O.J., in my opinion, is a very sick and dangerous man. I am not with the police, and I'm not a doctor, but I think most average folks would agree with my opinion about him. The man cannot shut up, he cannot stop talking about murdering his wife and Ron Goldman and showing how he got away with murder. He also got away with a road rage charge, and hopefully he won't get away with another crime. His unconsious and subconscious, his lack of empathy and compassion, continue to ooze this poison in actions that O.J. performs, and yet (as he said about the murders), denies he did anything wrong and fails to take any responsibility. He is narcissistic, an abuser, a liar, a killer. He was found responsible for the murders in the civil trial and has yet to pay the many millions due the victims' families.

O.J.'s book that the Goldman family were granted the rights to and went on sale today is already a best-seller. It is not a what if - it is a confession. It puts him at the murder scene with details only the killer would know. He talks about his frame of mind, his memory lapses, very graphic details. How anybody could have doubted he is guilt of these killings has always been beyond my comprehension. I wonder today how the jury in his criminal trial feel and if they know how badly they were duped and screwed up? The Brown family thinks that the sale of this book will harm Nicole's children. No - they agreed to the book deal to make money, and their father already harmed them forever by murdering their mother and Ron Goldman, and then he wrote about it. O.J. cannot help himself because he believes the world revolves around himself and he needs attention to feel alive and special. I hope this time he will realize that he's not, and that he's put away for the rest of his life.

The following is an article I wrote, interviewing the avatar Torah, about the O.J. trial in 1995.

Torah is an unconditionally loving, non-physical consciousness who focuses on the evolution of consciousness and is a facilitator of personal growth. Torah is channeled by Shawn Randall, who has been a distinguished channel and channeling teacher for twenty years. This article was first published by my Lightning Bolt Press' publication "The Bridge", May, 1995. I bring it to you now because the Simpson case is very much a part of our news and interest. I feel that the information that Torah brought to light about the case is pertinent to us at the present time - especially since a new law suit against Simpson is pending. It is also interesting to consider it in retrospect. Also, in this article Torah gives us tools to help ourselves, and shows how channeling can be valuable in aiding our personal growth and help us resolve issues. - Nora Amrani

The O.J. Simpson case has been a dominating force in our lives since last June. We can't escape it. It won't seem to go away no matter how many times we change our television or radio channels, or the newspapers that we buy. Why has it become such an important focus for our society? What's in it for us? And what, if anything, is it helping us to learn about ourselves?

For some people, particularly the youth, the trial has become an irritating distraction from daily life. For others the trial has been seen as a waste of time and money. For yet others, it has been entertaining and fun, or it has triggered deep personal, emotional issues. And for many people it has mysteriously become a magical mirror into themselves and their own lives in some very interesting ways. Are there any gifts we can glean from this trial? What are people saying about it, and how are entities discussing the carious issues inclusive in this topic? Torah, speaking at a public channeling session at the Encino Women's Club on February 20, 1995, addressed the topic "O.J. Simpson: Hero, Villain, Teacher, Archetype - What Are The Gifts?" Regarding the trial, Torah stated that, "The curiosity level is far and above anything that has gone before in this way."


Torah surprised everyone by adding that, "This entire phenomena would be taking place whether or not Mr. Simpson is guilty or not. So, we want to point that out right at the outset here. It's not about the end result, (is he or isn't he guilty). It's about the process. The entire trial is an unfolding journey, a step-by-step process of deep social and personal discovery. Let it be about that because that's where you'll get the synergy, that's where you're going to get more knowledge and self-awareness. A piece of yourself can transform by letting the trial not simply be about guilt or innocence. The O.J. scenario is about so very, very, very much more." And, this trial and its effects will be with us for a long time.

Torah said that there are no immediate answers, no absolutes, and we are forced to live in the discomfort of having no absolutes. "That forces deeper levels of curiosity, which is a wonderful thing, because it forces you to be in the process of it and to let it unfold." If we can accept this as a process it's going to help us. If we demand it to have absolutes we will not find satisfaction. But, as a process, it doesn't have to be uncomfortable if we are finding our own answers that work for ourselves, and answers that help us grow.

The trial is not just about the double murder anymore. Torah said, "It is a synergy that is a whole greater than the sum of its parts. And that synergy is speaking to your personal growth as a society, and as an individual. Society, itself, is pushing itself to grow from this because society is asking questions. It is pushing the envelope, forcing the growth, forcing the greater understanding. What are the gifts, what are the reflections?"


What is O.J. Simpson giving to us as his own gift? What has his soul chosen for growth? We can begin by looking at abuse issues. What is our definition of love, and does love ultimately lead to anger and then violence? Could we have our own personal anger issues that are hidden and stuffed away that could, perhaps, play themselves out by erupting uncontrollably in the future? Torah elaborated that we have within us, as Carl Jung defined, what is called a shadow, an aspect of our unconscious mind where we hide things away.

Torah said, "In this way, Mr. Simpson is expressing to you the power of the denied self, the power of denied anger, the power of what has been stuffed away: what has not been looked at for years and years. And in that way, as O.J. played out the scenario of his violence and how the acceleration of it was apparent because of the denial of it, you are able to see this powerful example. In this way he is a teacher. He has been a teacher as a sports figure. He has been a teacher as a hero. Now he is being a teacher as a 'villain'. His soul has chosen this to continue being of service to humanity from the dark side. First it was the light, and then it was the dark. (He is) a teacher to humanity expressing the polarity within the unconscious mind."

Take a look inside yourself, use the discomfort to get to the gifts, and ask what is in it for you. Find the one personal piece that you can relate to that you can really use for yourself; not from the detached, intellectual point of view, but be touched by it and go through your personal process and come out on the other side.


How can we begin to look deeper for our personal and collective growth for better understanding and positive transformation? Torah suggested that we can ask ourselves some questions: First, what in this trial makes us the most angry, fearful, or sad? Who, or what, involved in the trial 'pushes our buttons'? Can we relate to an individual - O.J., Nicole, Ron Goldman, the attorneys from either side, Judge Ito, the families, the media, or the jury?

Torah asked, "Do you relate to the fallen hero who is claiming to be grossly misunderstood, or who is, perhaps, very self-diluted, perhaps not?" What is our definition of hero, villain, archetype? To whom do we give our power away? Our heroes? Villains? Authority figures? Society? Or, perhaps the media? Could there be a higher purpose of the entire case?

Do we relate to the female lawyer who is, as Torah said, "doing her very best to be a man in a man's world in the form of a body of a woman? And we are certainly not criticizing her, because she is making a lot of statements by her very presence and is certainly very professionally competent in that way." And what about other trial issues that push our buttons, such as religion, race, chauvinism, abuse, the legal system?

SHARED SUCCESS: Hero-Worship Issue

One of the most profound and touching personal stories was offered by a man [in the audience] named Robert. When the famous white Bronco and police chase occurred on the freeway, Robert was on board a jet headed for a job assignment. Just as Robert got out his materials to do some work during the flight, the pilot came over the air to announce what was happening in Los Angeles and with O.J. Robert immediately felt irritated, and had been irritated ever since due to this trial. He even surprised himself showing up to this event because he had been so irritated by the subject matter. However, Robert, a channel himself, knows there are deeper issues involved with his irritation and he had to know what buttons the O.J. scenario had triggered in himself, and how he could process it in a positive way.

In his own examinations, Robert discovered two major connections that he felt were related to the Simpson case: It seem a certain aspect of himself was not being heard. He was having difficulty with people who tended to see him as a hero - people who were giving their power away to some of his actions and not taking their own credit for helping themselves. How does his ego deal with this?

Torah agreed that Robert had been doing a great job following the irritation trail to get to the roots of the problem. And Torah, being able to read energies and access information regarding personal histories, told Robert that there was an underlying issue regarding his father and hero worship. Torah reminded Robert that as a child Robert believed that if he worshipped his father as a hero, he would be totally denying himself as a creative individual. Over the years the anger then built up within Robert. The O.J. issue brought it up because here was a hero, a football player, getting all the attention (on the plane), and he felt forced into hero worship, forced to deny himself his own works and self-expression.

So, what can resolve this? His inner child must heal the edict that he must love the father only as a hero and accept him no matter what he does. That must be transformed so that Robert's inner child can accept and love his father in a new, fuller and richer way, instead of on the father's hero-worship terms (which denies the child's own creativity and self-expression.)

Robert did not make this conscious connection on his own, but with Torah's help he agreed that this was the missing key to understanding the irritation he felt. Furthermore, Robert started to see that giving the hero image away to the father figure affected his own self-image and how others see him. Immediately, Robert began to analyze what a hero is to him. He began to see that perhaps he could be his own hero. This was a powerful insight and healing for Robert.


A woman at the public session shared her own insights with regard to the trial. She explained that the trial was fun for her because she could put herself in each person's place within the trial. She saw each person as a reflection of herself, including the positive and negative aspects. On a general view, she saw a couple of things made the trial interesting: the defense's desire to distract attention from the main purpose of the trial, which is to find out who murdered Nicole and Ron. She thought perhaps as a society we are not more ready to put all our cards out on the table and stop hiding evidence.

But, more importantly, she began to view herself in terms of how her personal relationships were a reflection of herself to herself. In this lifetime she had not been in an abusive relationship. But, nevertheless, the battered-woman syndrome was something she was beginning to evaluate. So she started to change her own self-image by finding more things to value about herself, which would change how she would be received by others. Then, when people would begin appearing in her life that were more loving and accepting, she could feel worthy of receiving it and then actually receive that reflection. Torah exclaimed, "Asking for it is one thing, but being REALLY WILLING to receive is quite another."

Torah made another interesting reflection about the willingness to receive more love and how that connects to the channeling process: "Your increased self-value and openness and honesty in expressing yourself from your positive desires in your human relationships is also going to make your channeling all the more open. You'll find yourself all the more genuinely receptive. One of the things about using the O.J. scenarios for your personal growth is that when you get down to the deeper levels and really love and value yourself, it's going to spill out over into other areas in your life."

A most powerful, and immediate healing can come from envisioning the new way you prefer things to be. One woman shared her own reflection received from the Simpson trial. Her buttons were pushed because it wasn't yet possible to know if O.J. was guilty or innocent.

She wondered how this irritation she felt was connected in her own past, and began to think back to a time when the 'unknown' was so impactful. She traced the irritation to when her mother was ill and dying, yet no one in the family would talk about it. In her home there was a code of silence, like a conspiracy of silence. "Nothing in the house felt comfortable. There was an air of not knowing," she said. At the time (as a child), she couldn't even identify anything about it. She felt she was living in a stifling fog of confusion that was very frustrating. The first days of the Simpson trial put her back into that same foggy, unknowing place she'd experienced as a nine-year old child.

When she got in touch with that early memory, she vented her feelings about it over and over and had a tremendous emotional release. Then she did inner world work in a meditation, and visualized what she wanted in that situation - clear communication, clarity, to be informed, and to be out of the dark. In her visualization she saw her father talking to her about her mother's illness openly and overtly.

She spoke out loud and asked her visualization of her father to tell her what she wanted and need to hear regarding her mother, and thus relived it the new way. As a child she'd felt excluded. Now she saw and felt her inner child to be included, informed and no longer confused. She healed the child's pain and anger that she'd carried with her for so many years. By healing her inner child through emotional visualization it all cleared up, and afterwards she felt fine about the entire trial. Not knowing the outcome of the trial - O.J.'s guilt or innocence - no longer puts her into a foggy, angry state of mind. She can enjoy the process of the trial as it unfolds. What is even more important is that she got to heal something very significant to her inner child.


There are important things we have learned, and can continue to learn, from hearing entities such as Torah speak about the Simpson trial. They show us that:
1. We need to look at how this trial is a reflection of aspects of ourselves, our society, our relationships and our way of operating. We can see what we like or do not like, and what we prefer to change for our highest good.
2. Everybody's got to face their own denied aspects of self, anger and inner 'demons' sooner or later.
3. We have the ability to prevent ourselves from allowing our own 'demons', or denied aspects of ourselves, to act out in a destructive manner. We can heal them in our inner world with visualization and in the outer world with conscious, safe, responsible releasing.
4. The most positive side to utilizing metaphysical and spiritual techniques to heal and transform our anger and pain, (which can be done in the inner world), is that it can result in immediate healing and can change our outer world, the present and entire future. Metaphysical inner world healing transforms us in a way that is loving, self-empowering, with respect for self and others, and with harm to none.

Torah further added what another personal focus can be: "When all is said and done, there is much need for compassion for all the individuals. They are all in need of compassion and love. All are, let us say, not only victims of suffering, but also, on another level of consciousness, willingly choosing to go into this mythical tale." Torah reiterated, "We have said that O.J. has been a teacher throughout his lifetime. His soul's perspective has been to come in to be a teacher. He's doing it differently now than he had earlier in his life. He is exemplifying different things to different people, depending on what they need. And in that way he is serving himself, his purpose, yet he is suffering greatly. We recommend compassion for all the suffering of all the individuals involved here, whether innocent or guilty. That is very important. Thank you all for your willingness to look at this power reflection."

© Copyright, 1995, 2006, Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani and Shawn Randall